Saturday 19 September 2015

Tour Postel 2001 Building in Abidjan

This is the Tour Postel 2001 building in the central business district of Abidjan,i believe it is the tallest building in Abidjan. It is located along the Rue Jesse Owens in Plateau Municipality of Abidjan.It is a 26 stories building and is said to have been completed in 1984.Many Ivorian Government ministries and institutions  like the ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications used to be in the building.But there was a time there were concerns about the
building safety.Hence these offices were asked to go leave the building. Of recent the government has spent 14 billion CFA franc to renovate the building.The building next to it is the L'Immeuble SCIAM located on 63 Avenue Marchard

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