Tuesday 19 June 2012

Adidas new sneakers with Shackles

Wow this new design of Adidas sneakers is really raising a storm.It has got a whole lot of people boiling with rage.
And its mostly African-Americans.Some feel that the shoes promote racism because shackles are a symbol of slavery
This shoe which has a plastic orange shackle that attaches to the ankle,they feel has a close resemblance to slave shoes

According to Rev. Jesse Jackson 'The only things we chain in this society are slaves, prisoners and beasts.'
I wont lie,i like the shoes,but they have a right to express their disgust with the design

The shoe is created by controversial New York designer Jeremy Scott.

Madonna, Kanye West, Bonce, and Rihanna are all avid Jeremy Scott fans.

Well Adidas has released a statement withdrawing the shows after so much negative feedback

They said

"Since the shoe debuted on our Facebook page ahead of its market release in August, Adidas has received both favourable and critical feedback. We apologize if people are offended by the design and we are withdrawing our plans to make them available in the marketplace."

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